• Why Kernza Crackers Matter: Perennial Pantry’s Quest for the Home Cook

    “Bringing an entirely new crop out into the world while making it something that people can easily become familiar with and start to use is fundamentally a very hopeful act,” observed Christopher Abbott of Perennial Pantry.

  • Community Sourcing: River Rock Kitchen & Baking Co Keeps it Local in St Peter

    River Rock Kitchen & Baking Co’s local community impact starts with sourcing. Under Montana’s leadership, the bakery sources their ingredients from more than a dozen farms, mills, and cooperatives in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

  • Small Batch Specialty Roasts: Walnut Grove’s Half Pint Coffee Co

    Freshly opened in June 2024, Half Pint Coffee Company brings a new coffee house to downtown Walnut Grove. The menu includes a full coffee bar featuring Half Pint Coffee Co’s freshly roasted beans along with baked treats, smoothies, teas and hand scooped ice cream.

  • Beth Dooley: Cooking Perennially to Bring Sustainable Change

    “I’m not that great a cook. I’m a really good shopper,” laughs Beth Dooley, James Beard award-winning food writer, author of more than a dozen cookbooks, Star Tribune columnist, and a regular contributor to MPR.

  • Celebrating the Thorny Parts: The Okee Dokee Brothers’ Climate Challenge in “Brambletown”

    “We tried over and over and over again to write a song about climate change. It’s really hard to do that, especially for kids,” explained Joe. “In the end the song ‘Trouble in Paradise’ reflected more than just climate change. It ended up surprising us that the song was about a world that was living by the narrative of separation.”

  • Customizing Her Happy Place: Beth Sahli of Umbrella Custom Woodworking

    The work that it takes to turn raw wood into a custom handwriting piece or a Montessori kitchen tool all serves as a metaphor for life’s journey at Umbrella Custom Woodworking.