Most popular
- February, 20
Pettit Pastures: Regenerative Agriculture Becomes A Family Farming Tradition
Pettit Pastures, its people, animals, and plants, demonstrate everyday that agriculture and nature can coexist. Through the practice of regenerative agriculture, the Pettit Family restores a healthy balance to their land while raising premium beef and pork for their community.
Feeding the Grass for the Best Grass Fed Beef: Blackberry Ridge Farms
“My biggest surprise in running Blackberry Ridge Farms is how much failure is involved in farming. Nearly every day we say, ‘Okay, that didn't work, what will we do next?,’” shares Erin Gervais. “We are constantly pivoting and innovating. It's so humbling and at the same time incredibly rewarding because many times we do succeed, and success is far sweeter after some failure.”