• Customizing Her Happy Place: Beth Sahli of Umbrella Custom Woodworking

    The work that it takes to turn raw wood into a custom handwriting piece or a Montessori kitchen tool all serves as a metaphor for life’s journey at Umbrella Custom Woodworking. 

  • Plastic Potential: Emma Crutcher’s Cool Trash Workshop

    For Emma Crutcher of Cool Trash in South Minneapolis other people’s trash is literally her treasure.  Emma discovered the Precious Plastic project, which was founded in 2013. This project hosts a suite of open source plans to build machines to recycle plastic on a small scale. “This movement challenges us to think about plastic as a valuable resource for building and creating,” explained Emma

  • Fusing Light and Color: Paulie’s Glass Studio Creates Eye-Catching Designs

    Pauline Reller of Farmington’s Paulie's Studio shapes glass into eye-catching designs. Pauline creates dishes, jewelry, magnets, and wall hangings.

  • Memory Maker, Laughter Promoter, and Emotion Capturer: Sarah Grace Photography

    This woman-owned, certified Green Business provides fine art eco-conscious landscape prints, tailored portrait sessions, and one-on-one photography instruction. 

  • Bring Home a Piece of the Lake: Resin Artist Rebekah Rush of Wonderfully Made

    Rebekah is a full-time resin artist who incorporates natural materials found along Lake Superior’s shores and northern forests to create distinctive Minnesota art. Birch bark is one of her favorite mediums.

  • Lime Street Beckons: Jamie Miller’s Creative Space

    “Lime Street Creative + Co was generated out of the idea that it wouldn’t just be me. It would be a cooperative process,” explained Jamie. “Making deeper connections with my clients becomes an invaluable part of the artwork. It’s something that you simply cannot find through the ‘big box’ stores.”